Neighbors Protecting Our Beloved Swimming Hole

From our June 2023 Press Release:

Official signs, a parking lot, and an access trail are surprising new developments at the beloved swimming hole on the Peter’s Kill in Accord. The land that includes Deep Hole and the adjacent land across the street was recently purchased by a neighbor with the intent of keeping it open to the public and keeping it pristine.

“It’s great to see so many neighbors coming together to keep this clean and peaceful! I have been coming here for years with my children and now my grandchildren. What an amazing gift we have all been given, working together to be stewards of the land for now and future generations,” said Zena Nason, a longtime resident in the area.

Nason and a group of about 20 neighbors have been meeting throughout the past year to work with Dan Getman of Spirit Circle LLC, the owner of Deep Hole, to manage the site so it can stay open for the public and remain in its natural state. Together they agreed on rules and posted signs to let people know what’s expected.

“I am so thankful for the community involvement and I understand the rules are designed to keep it safe and clean; where the elemental experiences of nature are accessible to all." said Getman. “Not everyone will like all of the rules. For example, electrified music and charcoal grills

won’t be allowed because that could limit someone’s experience of the pristine nature. But most of the rules are just common sense and the others are about mutual respect.”

People who want a clean experience don’t want dog poop or dirty diapers to deal with, which has been a problem in the past. Getman also installed an off-street parking lot across the street and neighbors made a trail for safe access to the site. The town has had difficulty with erosion and degradation of the roadside where people used to park. The parking lot gate will be open at 9am and locked at 8pm. There are two spots next to the water for handicapped parking.

“All our work is designed to ensure public access to Deep Hole in a safe manner for everyone, including the plants, animals, and waters of the Peter’s Kill, in perpetuity. For many, this is a profound place to connect with nature. When people come to Deep Hole, they are agreeing to help steward the land and waters, follow the rules, and respect each other,” concluded Getman.