Respecting and Protecting Deep Hole

Deep Hole Nature Sanctuary is a privately operated non-profit nature preserve dedicated to preserving the land, waters, and non-human inhabitants of Deep Hole.

We work to secure public access and foster an attitude of deep respect and reciprocity.

Help keep Deep Hole beautiful with a financial contribution…

Deep Hole is operated entirely by volunteers who care deeply about this place and work hard to keep it open for others to enjoy respectfully. Deep Hole is not run by the state and there is no staff. No lifeguard. WE ALL ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DEEP HOLE.

Sadly, swimming areas are closing throughout New York State. These other closures lead to greater population pressures at the swim spots that do remain open. We feel that impact at Deep Hole.

There are many reasons that swimming areas close, particularly liability and, frankly, the difficulty in obtaining compliance with basic rules of safety and cleanliness.

Read our Stewardship Agreements 🤝

Read our Stewardship Agreements 🤝

Of particular concern at this moment are fires, lighter fluid, glass, dogs, and music. At Deep Hole:

  • NO wood or charcoal fires. Fires are prohibited to protect the trees and living beings that live at Deep Hole from a forest fire. Using lighter fluid or other petrochemical products is forbidden in order to protect the waters and land from accidental spillage.

  • NO glass. Glass breaks and it cannot be cleaned sufficiently to protect all barefoot visitors. Leave glass in your car.

  • Dogs are only permitted before 10 am and after 6 pm. This is to make sure that all visitors, especially children are safe. Even if you think your dog is safe and always nice, many people are afraid of dogs. Dog-dog interactions are not predictable if another mean dog picks a fight with your friendly dog. And note that ALL DOG POOP must be cleaned up immediately for obvious safety reasons. There is no chlorine used here and no way to clean the waters from residual animal poop. You MUST clean up after your dogs.

  • NO radios or music played through speakers. We don’t all like the same music. And many like to hear the birds and waters only, with no soundtrack. Try it!

If you see someone violating these rules — please ask them to stop. If they refuse to stop, take a picture of the offender and the offense and send it to We don’t want arguments, but we do want to co-create a culture of stewardship and care - for Deep Hole and each other!

Get in touch or get involved

Want to volunteer? Have an idea or improvement? Need to air a grievance? Please use this form to be in touch.

In The News

Some local news articles that give you the backstory.

Our Volunteer Board

  • Dan Getman, President

  • Kathleen Mandeville, Secretary

  • Steeven Price Lal, Treasurer

  • Amy Little

  • David Todd

  • Zoe Getman-Pickering